Wellington Lodge News
Media 2004
Point to photo’ for title.
“Walk this way” published in
NFU Countryside Magazine February 2004
Join Special NFU Treks during May
for members & non members.
Heather Dixon’s article looked at our farm diversification into llama trekking in 1994 and how it evolved.
Look at the NFU Countryside website. Click here!
March 24th “Look North” of BBC TV, Newcastle, came to Roseberry Topping to record a new, environmentally friendly and economic way to carry dry stone walling materials up a very steep hill. The stone is being used to repair a damaged wall on the top of Little Topping. Their coverage was broadcast on March 25th.
Mark Bradley, National Trust Warden for Roseberry Topping being interviewed by Riz Lateef and recorded on camera by Phil Dobson.
The brave National Trust Volunteers helping on that icy windy day with hail and rain were John, Martin, Sarah, Kate & Sue. Suprisingly the day ended with sunshine!
Notice that the llamas normal panniers are replaced by sturdy tubs to carry the stone.